My Services
Remote physio consultation
My remote climbing service began in 2017 and thanks to word of mouth, has gone from strength to strength. In that time I've been crafting my approach; combining effective questioning with climbing specific testing that I have developed to accurately identify the problem, and more importantly, discover why it happened in the first place to prevent it reoccurring.
I now work with climbers all over the world, and I am very proud of the service.
I am passionate about training and developing physiotherapists, coaches, route setters and allied health professionals. Services include mentoring and delivering bespoke workshops (remotely or in person) that are tailored to your individual needs.
I work one-to-one with clinicians around the world to help them develop their clinical reasoning, treatment techniques and rehabilitation approaches, both on and off the wall.
This is a bespoke service and sessions are completely tailored to suit your specific learning needs.
1. For Climbers
A range of workshops covering any area of the body that climbers commonly encounter problems. Sessions aim to demystify injuries that are often over-complicated in our industry, with a focus on how to continue to train around them and more importantly, prevent them from occurring in the first place.2. For Clinicians
Climbing specific injuries and rehab
Ultrasound imaging
3. For Setters
Avoiding the overload trap4. For Academies / Climbing teams
I work with coaching squads and GB youth climbers regularly and offer on site screening for teams.
Holistic Assessment
Personalised Rehab
Expert Support
Physio for climbers
Education for climbers, clinicians, coaches and setters.
Book a session with
The Climbing Physio
I work with climbers, clinicians, coaches and setters around the world, and I am passionate about bringing the latest evidence and practices to the forefront of climbing rehabilitation. Whether it’s in a rehab consultation or teaching workshop, I enjoy the process of making things as clear, practical and relatable as possible.
This is a bespoke service and sessions are completely tailored to suit your learning outcomes. If you would like to work with me then please click the link below with details.